Popular Products:
Scented Shock
Cense oxygen infused aromas will change the way you view your spa or hot tub experience forever, Cense is the only non-chlorine oxidant that offers the stress-relieving benefits of aromatherapy with a crystal clear spa experience. Cense creates an inviting and relaxing environment by eliminating the chemical smell of chlorine and replacing it with a pleasant scent.
Scented Shock Removes Cloudy Appearances Sometimes it doesn`t matter how well pool cartridge filters are working or how perfectly balanced
spa chemicals are, water will still look cloudy. This is because body oil, dirt, phosphorus and even rust can still be stuck in the system. When it`s
time to get rid of a murky appearance, Scented Shocks are required. Scented Shock help improve appearance by oxidizing dirt and oil.
At Spa-Daddy.com, we offer an extensive line of
replacement spa filter products, pool cartridge filters and Scented Shock. We are a Michigan-based business that`s been around since 2002,
serving the needs of clients all over the world. Our fast, convenient shipping and low prices make us the go-to place for spa chemicals, pool
filter replacement cartridge products and more.