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$16.95 (Regular Price: $29.95)

Availability: In Stock


Don`t fill your pool, spa or hot-tub with dirty water. Pre-Filter your spa water as you fill your hot-tub. Simply screw this filter on to your garden hose and your water will be sparkling clean from the very start!

Removes suspended solids, and can be used for up to 20 spa refills.

Our Price: $16.95 (Regular Price: $29.95)

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The simplest most effective filter cleaning tool on the market.
Enhance Your Spa!
Our fragrances will add a pleasant scent to your spa water, significantly increasing relaxation and therapy! Aroma

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Our fragrances will add a pleasant scent to your spa water, significantly increasing relaxation and therapy!
Reduce Chlorine Use!
Safely and efficiently sanitize your tub using zinc, silver, and heavily isolated copper. SpaRx

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Safely and efficiently sanitize your tub using zinc, silver, and heavily isolated copper.

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